DIY Wedding

My Badass Bachelorette Goody Bags (+ A GIVEAWAY!)

fashionlush, what to put in a bachelorette goody bag

I am not the MOST domestic when it comes to things like planning parties (food, drinks, all of the responsible adult logistics)- so when it came time to split up the Maid & Matron of Honor duties for my best friends Bachelorette party, I offered up doing the goody bags. Much more in my wheelhouse.

I WAS VERY SERIOUS ABOUT THESE GOODY BAGS… a little psychotic actually. I spent atleast 3 hours at Kinkos micromanaging the girl behind the counter as she cut & printed my itineraries, & then came back the next day cause her lines weren’t perfectly straight.

I wanted it to be a real WOW for all the girls. I think it’s the Leo in me, I live for a WOW moment.

fashionlush, bachelorette goody bags

In the spirit full transparency, I am in a lucky position where I have created great working relationships with some of my FAVE brands & they were so kind to contribute to the goody bags.

I tell you this because I fully realize these goody bags may not be the most practical when it comes to expenses. I don’t want to be completely unrealistic (although I am known to be excessive), but I do think that this is a really good starting place for ideas of what to put in your Bachelorette goody bags. You can always find more affordable options but the same idea, ya know?


You can put together this bag of goodies for the BRIDE so she has something special open when she shows up to the party!! Maid of Honor 101: bride should get an extra special present from all the bridesmaids for her Bachelorette, so you can easily have everyone pitch in to put together this epic, very bachelorette appropriate, swag bag.

K. Let’s breakdown EVERYTHING in my prized goody bags, & then A GIVEAWAY (cause I had an extra, so obviously you guys get it!)

fashionlush, bachelorette goody bag ideas

☆ Bliss Jelly Glow Ball cleanser: this is the MOST fun cleanser ever. It is exactly what it says it is- a jelly ball that makes your face GLOW.

☆ Bliss That’s Incredi-peel Pads: I have been using these peel pads for a hot minute now, & they really are some of the better peel pads I have tried- especially after a weekend of drinking in the sun

☆ Living Proof Dry Shampoo or Living Proof Dry Volume Blast: the girls got one of these two travel sized Living Proof products. I am actually OBSESSED w/ the Living Proof dry shampoo & have gone through multiple cans of the stuff. Easily best dry shampoo ever. The Dry Volume Blast I like to use with curly hair cause it keeps my curls from separating!.

fashionlush, bachelorette party planning

☆ Savvy Stone Elixirs chakra kit: how amazing is this chakra kit?! One of my amazingly talented readers sent these to us & they were a HUGE hit with the girls. It comes with 7 different drops, one for each chakra, & each elixir is infused with 7 different stones. Right now I am all about the hormonal blend!

☆ Coola classic sunscreen moisturizer (white tea): love love love this moisturizing white tea sunscreen from Coola & for Palm Springs, sunscreen in the goody bags was a must (it was 108 degrees allll weekend long). These moisturizers were a life saver.

fashionlush, what to put in bachelorette goody bag

☆ Kopari Coconut Kiss Kit: top three most exciting things in there for me was the kiss kit. I don’t go anywhere without my Kopari lip glossy, fave lip gloss of all time, so I am always happy to have more of them.

☆ Kopari Face the Day & Night set: the Kopari skincare kit is amazing- it has their coconut cleanser, holy grail worthy coconut rose toner, another lip glossy (!!!), & coconut face cream. Kopari seriously stole the show.

☆ Kopari Coconut Mini Melt: this was fun in the goody bags because before we went out for the night I showed all the girls how I use the Kopari Coconut Melt on my legs/shoulders/collar bones for an all over glow.

Meiji Hello Panda treats: DAISO. If you have one in your area, go!!! They have so many cute treats & tsotchke’s you could put in a goody bag for verrrrry cheap (mostly under $3).

fashionlush, bachelorette goody bag contents

☆ iDeal of Sweden phone case: YES, we even had phone cases from iDeal of Sweden. I had all the girls pick out their phone cases before hand & give me their phone sizes & they were SO stoked. I got the red marble case for myself it is so rad!! Check out their cases & get 20% off w/ promo code FASHIONLUSH.

☆ Benefit They’re Real Mascara: actually my top 3 favorite mascara’s of all time!! I had a black one at home, so I snagged a bright blue color which is SO fun. Blue mascara is in.

☆ Benefit 3D Browtones: I haven’t tried this yet, but excited because it’s a tinted brow gel that comes in colors like magenta, blue, teal, etc. OUT OF THE BOX, but I am down to try it.

fashionlush, maid of honor duties

☆ the clear vinyl bags: I had SO much trouble figuring out what to put everything in. Originally I was envisioning small pink shopping baskets (like the carry ones), but that didn’t exist & I didn’t have time to get it manufactured lol. I ended up finding the fun clear vinyl bags Daiso for $3 a pop. SUCH A STEAL. The closest thing I found that is similar & I almost got were these bags on Amazon.

☆ sheet masks: I originally bought these to put in all the bathrooms, but since I got a bulk order of 25 so had enough leftover to put in the goody bags!!

☆ keychain w/ photo: about 4 days before the Bachelorette the bride casually sends me a photo of her at 3 dressed as a full on bride. I wanted to incorporate this amazing photo into the goody bag so I snagged these keychains on Amazon & printed out wallet sized images at CVS. BAM- cutest keychain ever, & just what the bag needed.

☆ penis squishy: the girls liked these almost too much haha. I am not really into the penis paraphernalia & kept it to a bare minimum- but these squishies were too cute to pass up.

☆ pink paper fans: threw these into the mix as well, cause why not? I ended up using mine all weekend long!

☆ itinerary print out: I also made a full blown itinerary for the weekend, but I will be doing a post soon sharing that as a freebie for you guys to use!

fashionlush, bachelorette goody bag ideas

I over counted the goody bags when putting them together, WHICH MEANS- one of you guys will get this epic goody bag full of everything you’ve just read about. AN EPIC BAG FULL OF SO MUCH SWAG, entering is super easy:

1. follow me on Instagram @fashionlush

2. leave a comment on my latest Instagram post telling me what you want to win the most + tag 2 friends (esp. a maid of honor or bride to be!)

3. comment on THIS BLOG POST below letting me know what you want to win the most as well!


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