
7 high protein healthy snack ideas that can be tried any time

Are you looking for some healthy snack ideas to go between your meals? Then check out the healthy snack items presented in this list as they are sure to satisfy all your health needs while being yummy at the same time. High protein healthy snacks can be a great way to fill up the void that you feel before hitting gym or when you are looking for some extra energy to avoid the afternoon lull. So go ahead and munch on these healthy snacks that are also tasty at the same time.

Cottage-Style Fruit

Top some of your favorite fruits with half cup of cottage cheese. Some of the best fruits to try on for this snack would include melons, bananas and different types of berries.cottagecheese

Mixed nuts

Mixed nuts can serve as a great and delicious source of protein while also being convenient at the same time. Combine different types of nuts and also add some dried fruits for some additional sweetness. Some of the best nuts to try out are pistachios and almonds. You can top that with some raisins as well.

Turkey or Beef Jerky

While trying out this snack, avoid the sodium or sugar-filled brands and get only the low-sodium and natural or light-flavored ones as they can be a fantastic source of protein. In fact, you can get about nine grams of protein in a single ounce of serving. This snack is also quite portable and can be kept fresh for several months when properly packed.


Pumpkin Seeds

Believe it or not, pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of protein and can be had as an enjoyable snack any time you want! In fact, only a half cup of seeds have almost 14 g of protein, which makes it the ideal pre-workout snack. Collect the seeds, wash them thoroughly and get them dried, and then have them nicely roasted. Voila! You have a great snack ready in no time.

Deli Rollup

Top two slices of any type of deli meat (i.e. chicken, turkey, or roast beef) with a slice of cheese; then add some pepper to it. You can also add some lettuce or tomato to make it more interesting.

Hard-Boiled Eggs

As you all know, eggs are one of the classic sources of protein. Not only they taste great; they can also deliver you with all the protein that you will ever need. Get your eggs hard boiled and have them any time you want. You can also combine it with a piece of nice whole-wheat bread if you want.

Mini Bean and Cheese Quesadilla

Although it might take some extra time to prep this dish though, it is still worth the effort as it combines two high-protein items in a single preparation. Fold half cup of black beans, a tablespoon of salsa, and a slice of cheddar cheese within a small piece of flour tortilla. Then cook it in a nonstick pan as long as the tortilla turns light brown and the cheese is all melted. Wrap the whole thing in a foil and carry it in a plastic bag for convenient transport.

Mini Bean and Cheese Quesadilla

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