A *Chic AF* DIY Dupe Inspired by Kylie Jenner’s Office Tour

fashion, home decor diy, kylie jenner's office tour

UM- DID YOU WATCH KYLIE JENNER’S OFFICE TOUR?! If not, I give you full permission to open a new tab, watch it here, & come back to this post for the DIY dupe ~*oF mY DrEaMs*~.

I got SO much decor inspiration from that vibe-y space & took tons of screenshots throughout the entire thing for my personal home decor mood board. I loved the hot pink accents against all the bright whites, the low modern furniture, the light pink matte dishes (we have a super similar set from Urban that we love), the makeup/dressing room areas, Kylie’s personal office & I really loved her FURRY ROLLING DESK CHAIRS.

Let’s talk about these chairs, because they had a real shining moment in the video. She entered her “creative meeting room” which featured a huge ass conference lined with probably 12 of these stunning white fur chairs with matte black bases on EACH side of the table. She made a point to say that she HAS to have a rolly chair, & naturally, I wanted a rolly chair too.

More specifically, a white shag fur rolling chair with a matte black base. I googled immediately & found a handful of white shag chairs- but it was that matte black base that I wanted & obviously couldn’t find. I am sure they were custom made/hundreds of dollar & the generic shiny silver was just not the move.

SO- as I always say, when you can’t buy, DIY… & this one was a NO BRAINER. All I needed was a couple cans of spray paint to have the Kylie rolly desk chair of my dreams.

Although this is a pretty straight forward project that anyone can do, here are a few *wish I would’ve known* tips for you guys: 

+ the chair comes in two pieces- the base & the furry seat. The base has a hyaluronic function that raises the chair. It can only be raised when ATTACHED to the chair itself & once attached you can’t remove it the same way you set it up (this will make more sense when you so see it), so build the chair FIRST & then use an Allen wrench to remove the entire base as a whole & THEN spray paint it. TRUST, it will save you a massive amount of time.

+ because this is metal, be very careful to hold the spray can a foot away & do more thin coats vs. less chunky coats. I got a little too close in one small spot & it shows up so much more on metal- my ocd is not amused. 

+ wipe down base for dust- I forgot to do his one too & there were a few places that showed it. 

THAT IS IT, easy peasy…. SPRAY AWAY & enjoy your new Kylie Jenner inspired custom furry/matte black rolly chair for, I’m sure, a fraction of the price! x, E

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