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5 Inspirational Quotes From Netflix’s ‘Queer Eye’

If you have seen Netflix’s Queer Eye then you are probably familiar with the ‘Fab 5’ known as Jonathan Van Ness, Karamo Brown, Tan France, Bobby Berk and Antoni Porowski. The Queer Eye guys are given the task to help transform the lives of people across the country who are in need of a little extra push. In order to help the heroes transform their lives, the ‘Fab 5’ guys share some inspirational quotes that will have you both laughing and crying and ready to make changes in your own life.

1. “When people say, ‘You can’t teach an old dog new tricks,’ it’s not true, because you can reinvent yourself and learn new things whenever you want.” — Jonathan Van Ness

Photo Credit: Christopher Smith/Netflix

Jonathan Van Ness is always bringing wisdom and knowledge to viewers in such a fun and exciting way. Jonathan can take topics like pessimism and self-doubt and spin them to make them more positive. As a society we are conditioned to think that our life essentially stops once we get older, but that’s really not the case. You have the power to change and learn during any part of your life and that is really important to remember. It might be more difficult because your habits and thoughts have become more ingrained, but with professional help and hard work anything is possible. 

2. “He needs to understand that being vulnerable is not a sign of weakness. It is a sign of strength. It shows that you are in tune with yourself, which is the sexiest thing to men or women.” — Karamo Brown

Queer Eye
Photo Credit: Netflix

Karamo Brown is the culture expert on Queer Eye and loves to get people intune with their inner thoughts and feelings. It is a common thought that if you tell people you are struggling or need help, then you are weak or a failure. That really is so far from the truth. As Karamo said, asking for help and being vulnerable is a sign of strength. Realizing that you are not okay and need help is an act of self-care. You won’t get the help you need and deserve if nobody knows you are struggling so it is really important to be honest and open.

3. “There’s no right or wrong way to be gay. No right or wrong way to come out. It’s your journey, do it the way you wanna do it.” — Tan France

queer eye
Photo Credit: Netflix

Many gay people feel like they have to act, dress or behave in a certain way in order to be gay. That is completely not the case as there is no right or wrong way to be gay or come out. You have to express yourself when it is most comfortable and safe for you. You don’t need to prove that you are gay to other people because quite honestly who are they to judge. If you want to wear a dress, wear it. If you want to wear shorts and a t-shirt, wear it. If you want to wear makeup, wear it. Don’t let anyone tell you how to be yourself because that is not their call.

4. “By saying, ‘I wanna let you know I’m inviting you into my life, and I want you to be a part of it,’ is the healthiest thing you can do.” -Karamo Brown

queer eye
Photo Credit: TV Insider

It is very hard for many people to be vulnerable and let others in on important parts of their life. In order to be successful, it is important to have family and friends supporting you. Telling someone that you want them to be in your life is crucial because they can now offer a shoulder to lean on when you need one. I make sure to tell my friends on a daily basis how much I appreciate them being a part of my life because I don’t know what I’d do without them. Having someone around that has your back just makes it a little easier to get through this maze called life. 

5. “You being your true self isn’t going to offend anybody. It’s very unlikely that people are going to cause you an issue just because you are being yourself. And if they’re concerned, that’s on them. You’re happy.” — Tan France

Photo Credit: Getty Images

Many people let society dictate how they should act and behave out of hear of being judged. I can attest to this because I normally don’t dress how I’d want to out of the fear of being looked down upon or being seen as different. It is important to realize that the people who care about you are doing with your life are going through problems of their own and it has nothing to do with you. Your happiness should be your first priority and nobody has the right to take that away from you!

Send us your favorite Queer Eye quotes by tagging us on Instagram @Faviana and Twitter @FavianaNY



Tags: 2019, advice, antoni porowski, beauty, bobby berk, cosmetics, Fashion, Faviana, Faviana Dress, glam and gowns, goals, Health, How To, inspirational quotes, Instagram, jonathan van ness, karamo brown, Lifestyle, makeup, motivation, motivational quotes, Netflix, netflix queer eye, new york, New York City, NYC, Pop culture, queer eye, red carpet, Style, Styling, summer, tan france, Tips, Travel, Trending

Casey C

Editorial Intern

Casey is a journalism major at Hofstra University in Long Island, New York. Apart from keeping up with the latest celebrity, pop culture, beauty, health and wellness trends, she enjoys trying different dessert spots and attending concerts.

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